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Welcome to Universe Mind Hypnotherapy!
My name is LeAnn and I am a Certified Hypnotherapist. In my early teens, as I was entering puberty, I started to feel I was losing the sense of self. I used to be very intelligent, multi-talented and creative but they all seemed to disappear overnight. My brain was foggy. I had no motivation. I had no direction. I was stuck, frustrated and so miserable from such young age but there was nothing I could do to fix it.
But there was one voice in my head talking over all the negative thoughts. “This is not real me. I am much more than this. I have so much potential within me. I just need to excavate it. How?? Well… Hypnosis is the only way!!”. Hypnosis was not known to many people then and I had no experience with hypnosis other than seeing little bits on TV. So… Where did this voice come from? That voice went away for a while as I was living a busy life as an adult but it eventually came back-stronger than ever.
There is no doubt that being a hypnotherapist was a calling. Looking back, every life experience with uncharted turns paved the roadway and prepared me to naturally accept my mission to serve those in need and fully live my purpose. I have deeper understanding of pain and suffering from my own past, and my innate gift of empathy and nurturing energy connects me with my clients at a level that words cannot describe. It is my great honor to light your way on the healing path and assist you to open to infinite possibilities and full potential to become the best version of yourself.
안녕하세요. 박 현자(미국명: 리앤, 유튜브:우주마음)입니다.
제 사이트에 오신것을 진심으로 환영합니다. 지금까지 살아오면서, 이런 저런 경험을 하다보니, 인간마음에 관심을 갖게 되었고, 저의 인생경험과 마음공부, 영성공부를 통해 나름대로 치유의 방법을 알아가게 되었읍니다. 특히, 외국에서 거주하며 배워온 것을 한국분들과 공유하고자 하는 마음이 절실해지면서, 결국에는 이렇게, 상상도 못했던 유투브 채널도 만들게 되고, 최면치유전문 자격증도 얻으면서, 마음이 아프신 분들과 인생의 새로운 시작을 하시는 분들과 소통을 하면서, 조금씩이나마 힘이 되어드리고 있읍니다.
정말 힘들 때는 가야할 길이 보이지도 않고 포기하고 싶습니다. 그렇지만, 이 글을 읽고 계신 여러분들은 알게 모르게, 왜 이 길을 가고 계시는지 알고, 늘 탐구를 하면서 자신을 발전시키고 계시고, 또 항상 보이지 않는 힘의 인도와 지도를 받고 계십니다. 가끔 이렇게 인연이 되어 만나, 깊은 대화를 나누면서 의논을 할 사람들이 주위에 필요하신 것 뿐입니다. 진실되고 겸손한 마음으로 자신에 대해 많이 알아가셔서, 결국에는 숨은 능력과 쏘울 미션도 발견하시고, 평안한 삶을 살게 되시기를 간절히 바랍니다. /
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